
11 Effective Natural Cure For Diabetes

Diabetes appear in two ways either ‘low blood sugar’ or ‘high blood sugar’. People might get affected by any of these sugar levels. Here are 11 remedies to cure Diabetes naturally.


Treating Diabetes Naturally

Diabetes Testing Machine

First and foremost thing is, to keep diabetes testing machine to check your sugar levels at home, according to which you can take further actions. You are always suggested to consult doctor for regular diabetes check-up. If it becomes difficult to visit doctor often, you are always free to use diabetes testing machine at home.

Diabetes Testing Machine

Take Insulin

Suppose blood sugar becomes low, take insulin or 1-2 teaspoons of glucose. This will energizes you and assists to bring your sugar level normal.

Take Insulin

Walking And Yoga

Always, make it a habit to exercise or walk few miles regularly that helps you in good digestion, proper blood circulation, controls high blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Follow simple yoga techniques which is a very natural cure for diabetes. For example- sit in right angle position, by straightening and joining your legs; move your foot forward-backward, do it for some time; then slowly, rotate your foot from right to left and left to right. This exercise will make blood circulation proper and further controls diabetes.

Walking And Yoga

Cashew Nut Powder

Put cashew nut powder in a glass of water or milk, along with a spoon of honey, stir well and drink this solution daily during night. This will assist you during low blood sugar.

Cashew Nut Powder

Drink Lots Of Water

Drinking water helps a lot to increase or decrease sugar levels. It relaxes body, keeps your body cool, removes stress or tension, controls high blood pressure or high or low sugar levels. Hence, it is always good to drink lots of water to control your body.

Drink Lots Of Water

Sugar Control Tablets

It is always better to consume ‘sugar control tablets’ regularly that helps you to keep your high blood sugar normal.

Sugar Control Tablets

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Natural Home Remedies For Diabetes
How To Cure Diabetes Naturally
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Bitter Gourd Or Bitter Melon

Bitter Gourd, though it tastes bad, it is the best medicine that cures many diseases and works well in curing diabetes. Drink minimum 1/2 cup of bitter gourd to control your sugar levels. You can either drink bitter gourd or bitter melon directly, or you can drink this liquid by making tea.

Bitter Gourd Or Bitter Melon


Buttermilk seems to be a most dilute and digestive food that is recommended to all types of patients. Buttermilk with Fenugreek powder helps in diabetes. Take few amount of fenugreek grind them and take 2 teaspoons of this powder in the buttermilk or you can take this powder in water or milk to cure diabetes naturally.


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Researchers have found that guava fruit has capacity to control diabetes. Thus, eat 1-2 guavas a day to keep your sugar level stable.


Vitamin C And E

You can consume lots of vitamin c pills and potassium as well. Gooseberries are exactly made for diabetes. Eat huge quantities of Gooseberries to manage blood sugar levels which is a good natural cure for diabetes.

Vitamin C And E


Neem Leaves

Boil neem leaves, bilva, and bay or curry leaves in a pan of water, drink the water daily for 30 days that will absolutely control your diabetes.


Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.