
Vulvodynia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Vulvodynia is a disorder of pelvic region. There is pain in that area for months and it is so severe and uncomfortable that you can not even sit. There is burning and irritation at that place. This vulvar pain affects the quality of life of the person affected. There is no other physical symptom in that area besides some redness in vestibules.

This area is around the opening of vagina which is called vulva. Vulvodynia is the chronic vulvar pain.

Often Women do not consult doctor about this problem either due to absence of any physical symptom or due to reluctance to talk about symptoms. If you have any such problem, do not hesitate; just go to the doctor for treatment. There are many options available to alleviate the pain and discomfort.

What are symptoms of Vulvodynia?

 Condition if pain in vulvar region is called vulvodynia. Vulvodynia should be differentiated with other painful conditions of vulva which are localized. Vulva is consists of pad of fatty tissues which are present at the base of abdomen, the clitoris, the labia and opening of vagina.

The most important symptom of vulvodynia is pain in the genital region. This pain is accompanied with soreness, burning, stinging, itching, rawness and throbbing. It is extremely difficult or almost impossible to have sex in this condition due to severity of pain.

The pain that is felt in vulva can be intermittent or constant. Also it can last for many months or even for years. It can suddenly appear or in the same way suddenly disappear itself.

There is condition of localized pain which is called vulvar vestibulitis. In this condition, whenever you apply pressure on that area around the entrance of vagina, pain is felt.

Only physical symptom seen may be inflammation or swelling on that area that too very mild and occasionally.

What are the Causes OF Vulvodynia?

Exact cause of vuvodynia is not yet understood by doctors. But there are some factors which contribute to aggravate this condition. Following are those factors:

Any injury around vulvar region or any irritation of nerves near that region

Any infection which affected vagina

Muscle Spasm

During menopause, sometimes estrogen levels get changed.

Any allergies of your skin

Hypersensitivity of skin on that area

It is observed that, some women who suffer from this problem also had a history of recurrent vaginitis or vaginal yeast infection. Or some women may have faced sexual abuse. Infect vulvodynia is not a cancerous condition or also it is not a sexually transmitted disease.

What Are the treatments for Vulvodynia ?

Treatment of Vulvodynia is aims at relieving the pain and swelling. Different people respond to different treatments. A combination of different treatments is applied to find out the best approach for you. Any treatment given to you can take months or even years to show any positive result.

To reduce the pain felt during vulvodynia, Tricyclic antidepressant medicines are used which include amitriptyline and desipramine. Anticonvulsants also help to reduce the pain. Itching can be reduced by antihistamines.

Biofeedback therapy is applied to teach how to keep your pelvic muscles relaxed which contract in anticipation of pain.

Physical therapy is also taken up to aid medicines. Various physical therapy techniques include massage, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and pelvic exercises to strengthen that area.

To have temporary relief from pain and itching, medications like lidocaine ointment are applied. It acts like a local anesthesia.

Topical estrogen is also given in the form of cream or tablet to be inserted in vagina. It helps to reduce the pain associated with vulvodynia by improving vaginal dryness and atrophy.

Self-Care for Managing Vulvodynia

You can apply cold compresses directly over the affected are to alleviate pain.

Do not wear tight-fitting undergarments as they increase temperature and increase moisture. It will aggravate irritation. Wear only cotton underwear.

Do not over wash or over rub your genital area as it can cause irritation. Use only plain water to wash and keep it dry.

Try to identify the objects which trigger itching and pain in that area. Some triggers may be harsh soaps, creams, some bath products.


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