Home remedies for female sterility

The use of the word sterility is another way of explaining infertility. The term sterility is most often used to describe permanent infertility, whether caused by medical issues or by certain elective surgical procedures. It is possible for women to undergo a procedure called sterilization. Here a minor surgical procedure is performed to deliberately cause the individual to become sterile. However there are other common health problems relating to female sterility and these include endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, pituitary disorders, fallopian tube occlusion, hormone defects, and early menopause. Treatment is available for many causes of female sterility, however, every woman react differently to treatment, and there is no guarantee of a cure. It is possible that the couple is not indulging in sex at the time of ovulation. No matter what the problem is, the couple must co-operate with each other and their health provider to make things work since producing a baby is a joint venture.

Commercial over-the-counter ovulation kits are also readily available and can be assistance for the woman who wants or does not want to become pregnant.

Home remedies for female fertility

These are extremely effective in promoting fertility and preventing miscarriage. A phytoestrogen rich and pesticide free diet will go a long way toward promoting fertility, naturally.

  1. Home Remedies
  2. Diet

Natural remedies for female sterility

Black cohosh as a Home Remedy for female sterility

Black cohosh Properties: Black cohosh is the best home remedy for female sterility. The mechanism of action of black cohosh has not been defined, and evidence of the efficacy for the treatment of menstrual disorders is inconclusive. However, the effects of black cohosh probably are not mediated through estrogen receptors. Although earlier studies suggested that components in black cohosh have estrogenic activity, more recent in vitro evidence indicates that extracts of black cohosh do not affect the estrogen receptors.

Using black cohosh as a Treatment for female sterility:
The typical treatment for female sterility is two 20 mg standardized tablets of the root extract twice a day. Each tablet is standardized to contain one mg of triterpene glycosides calculated as 27 deoxyactein. Some herbalists combine black cohosh with blue cohosh for the induction of labor.

Chaste berry as a Home Remedy for female sterility

Chaste berry Properties: Chaste berry is the best home remedy for female sterility. Research suggests that chaste berry works primarily on the pituitary gland to stabilize and balance the hormonal fluctuations that women experience every month. By increasing the body's secretion of luteinizing hormone, it reduces prolactin and increases both progesterone and follicle-stimulating hormone. Amenorrhea frequently coincides with higher blood concentrations of prolactin and prolactin-lowering medications typically normalize the monthly cycle. Evidence in certain cases suggests that chaste berry flowers contain the plant world's equivalent of human testosterone, which would theoretically stimulate, rather than deter, sexual desire. Other components in the berries counteract bacteria and fungi notably candidas.

Using chaste berry as a Home Remedy for female sterility:
Two 560 milligram capsules twice a day or try 30 to 40 milligrams of dried berries, ¼ teaspoon of a liquid extract, or ¼ to one teaspoon of chaste berry tincture daily.

Dong quai as a Home Remedy for female sterility

Dong quai Properties: Dong quai is one of the best home remedies for female sterility. In vitro studies indicate that dong quai has only weak estrogen-receptor binding properties and little regulation of progesterone receptors. RNA in this compound is poorly water soluble, weak organic acid, therefore, ferulic acid is not a major component of aqueous extracts of dong quai.

Using dong quai as a Treatment for female sterility:
Common traditional doses of dong quai in Chinese medicine range from about 1-5 g powdered or dried root three times daily. Making a decoction of dong quai typically involves boiling or simmering of one to three teaspoons of the root in one cup of water for two to five minutes followed by five to ten minutes of brewing. The daily dose of the decoction is about one to three cups. One gram of hundred percent aqueous extract of dong quai is equivalent to approximately four grams of the raw root.

Banyan bark as a Home remedy for female sterility

Banyan bark Properties: Bark of banyan tree is a good home remedy for female sterility. The banyan has many medicinal properties. It is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of several ailments. The bark, leaf and buds of the tree are useful in arresting secretion or bleeding. The fruit exercises a soothing effect on the skin and mucus membranes, alleviates swelling and pain, and serves as a mild purgative. It is also nutritious.

Using Banyan as a Cure for female sterility:
Tender roots of the banyan tree are considered beneficial in the treatment of female sterility. These roots should be dried in the shade and finely powdered. This powder should be mixed five times its weight with milk and taken at night for three consecutive nights after menstruation cycle every month till the conception takes place. No other food should be taken with this.

Jambul tree as a Home remedy for female sterility

Jambul tree Properties: Jambul is a species of clove used in Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda uses jambul fruits and seed, rather than flowers, as with other kinds of cloves. The ripe fruit has a scent and taste similar to the apricot. Recently, this tree has gained interest because the seeds, leaves and bark have been shown to lower blood sugar and increase female sterility.

Using jambul as a Treatment for female sterility:
ambul leaves are taken with honey. This has proven to be an effective treatment.

Diet for female sterility

Diagnosing the underlying causes and treating each woman as a unique entity and the body as a whole are important. Depending on the diagnosis, you may be given advice not to eat some kinds of food which may interfere the normal menstrual cycle and lessen your chances of fertility.

Cold foods in traditional Chinese medicine are considered as a type of food which may stimulate the freezing effects in your body. Prolonged period of taking these kinds of foods without balancing them with other warm, cooked or hot foods may cause several problems, resulting in interfering with normal function of the reproductive organs and leading to irregular periods. Women trying to conceive should avoid eating these types of raw foods or countering them with a least same amount of hot foods.

Typical raw foods diet puts more strain on the digestion. If spleen is damaged by prolonged intake of raw food, it may weaken the digestive system in absorbing of nutrients, leading to less efficient assimilation of nutrients. In fact, the process of transformation of foods and transportation of nutrients is a warm process and raw foods are colder in nature. After entering the stomach, our body needs to raise temperature before the food can be digested and absorbed.

Raw foods can damage or interfere with the spleen in controlling the internal dampness caused by impairment of water metabolism within the body, leading to delayed menstruation and menstrual pain and cramps.

Raw foods that cause dampening effects including the following: Milk products, celery, lettuce, alfalfa, raw honey, corn, sage, parsley, onion.

Female sterility can also be cured with a diet that contains zinc like oysters and other shell fish.

Boiled eggplant with buttermilk and when taken for 30 days can also aid with sterility problems.

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