Home Remedies for Low Immunity

The human body is prone to attacks from parasites, viruses, fungi and bacteria. The immune system is responsible for keeping these invasions at bay and this is what keeps most of the infections from attacking the body. It works by destroying and neutralizing micro-organisms and toxins that they bring with them hence preventing attacks.

However, there are factors which can lead to low immunity levels leaving the body exposed to a variety of diseases and infections as it is not in a position to fight the parasites and viruses. Most of the organs like lymph vessels, bone marrow, tonsils and the spleen, also assist the immune system in functioning and when they fail to perform their duties, they leave the immune system weak and unable to fight infections and diseases.

Low immunity is characterized by a weakened system leading to failure of protection from all kinds of illnesses leaving the body exposed and prone to developing the infections and even cancers that can turn out to be life threatening. People suffering from low immunity experience various symptoms such as chronic infections, cancer, swollen or sore lymph glands, frequent flu and colds and frequent sores such as genital herpes.

Various factors are known to cause low immunity and being aware of them can help a great deal in the prevention or management of the condition keeping the immune system strong and in keeping the body well protected from illnesses and infections. Some causes of low immunity include stress, bad dietary habits and lack of nutrients in the body. Others are age, medications, inflammatory bowel disease, and lowered stomach acidity, reduced count of white blood cells, HIV/AIDS and pregnancy.

There are a number of ways that low immunity can be managed. These include the intake of supplements to provide nutrients to the body. The other way is using natural remedies getting rid of low immunity which have been tested and found to be effective in treating the condition, restoring the strong immune system. The natural remedies for achieving high immunity levels are simple and effective when used in the right way.

  1. Home Remedies
  2. Other Remedies
  3. Diet

Home Remedies for Low Immunity

Almonds as Home Remedy for Low Immunity

Swamp Cabbage Properties: Almonds contain high concentrations of Vitamin E which is an effective antioxidant and it strengthens the immune system. This makes almonds very useful in dealing with a lowered immune system and works within a short period of time.

Using Almonds as Treatment for Low Immunity:
Patients suffering from low immunity should eat almonds to get daily dosages of the important vitamins. A handful of the seeds is enough every day and can be taken until the symptoms go away or completely disappear. Almonds can also be taken on a regular basis as diet for low immunity.

Crab-meat as Home Remedy for Low Immunity

Crab-meat Properties: Crab-meat contains zinc which is an immune system catalyst. Zinc helps in protecting the body from damage caused by the invading bodies and is also essential in maintaining proper white blood cell function.

Using Crab-meat as Treatment for Low Immunity:
Patients should make a point of taking fresh or canned crab-meat on a daily basis. The best dosage per day is three ounces, to supply the immune system with the nutrients it needs to protect the body from illnesses.

Navy Beans as Home Remedy for Low Immunity

Navy Beans Properties: Navy beans contain folic acid which helps in keeping the immune system strong. The beans come in handy in restoring shrunken lymph and thymus nodes which are responsible in fighting infections.

Using Navy Beans as Cure for Low Immunity:
The beans are best taken on a daily basis till the immune system returns to normal. A cupful of the beans daily is enough in dealing with cases of low immunity. This is one of the most effective home remedies for low immunity.

Guava as Home Remedy for Low Immunity

Guava Properties:The one thing that makes this fruit a good home remedy for low immunity is the levels of Vitamin C it has. This is a great way of keeping the body well supplied with the daily requirements of the vitamin which is essential in enhancing the performance of white blood cells. In return, the immune system responds quickly in maintaining good health.

Using Guava as Cure for Low Immunity:
People suffering from low immunity need to take at least two fruits every day to supply the body with enough of the vitamin. The fruit can also be taken regularly as diet for low immunity.

Chicken and Pork as Natural Remedy for Low Immunity

Chicken and Pork Properties: Chicken contains selenium which helps in movement and development of the white cells of the blood hence strengthening the immune system while pork contains Vitamin B6 essential in improving the functioning of the immune system.

Treating Low Immunity using Pork and Chicken:
These two natural remedies for the condition can be eaten on a regular basis as a way of supplying the body with the right amount of nutrients keeping the immune system strong.

Yogurt as a Natural Remedy for Low Immunity

Yogurt Properties: Yogurt contains a variety of compounds and minerals which work by strengthening white blood cells and assist in the production of antibodies. The remedy also works well in fighting cancer.

Using Yogurt as Cure for Low Immunity:
It has been proven that taking six ounces of yogurt on a daily basis is an effective way of boosting the immune system. It is a good home remedy for the prevention of diarrhea, hay fever and colds.

Echinacea as a Home Remedy for Low Immunity

Echinacea Properties: The various compounds and minerals found in this herb make it one of the best home remedies for the treatment of low immunity. The herb works in fighting all infections caused by viruses. It also speeds up the healing process.

Cure For Low Immunity Using Echinacea:
The herb is available in tablet and capsule form which can be used to make tea. The tea should then be taken at least three times daily for the effective treatment of low immunity.

Carrots as Natural Remedy for Low Immunity

Carrots Properties: Carrots contains essential carotenes which protect the immune system and the thymus gland from harmful infections. They also fight low immunity by strengthening the white blood cells and improving the production of antibodies.

Using Carrots as Cure for Low Immunity:
As a good way of getting rid of low immunity, patients should eat carrots regularly. Other vegetables containing carotenes can also be included in meals as diet for low immunity.

Garlic as Natural Remedy for Low Immunity

Garlic Properties: Garlic is widely used because of the antibacterial and antiviral properties it has. The properties help in the prevention of cancer and other illnesses and also provide the body with lots of benefits.

Using Garlic as Treatment for Low Immunity:
Garlic can be crushed and added to water before consuming as a way of boosting the immune system. Another way of using the remedy is adding cloves of garlic when preparing food as diet. People who are not bothered by the strong smell and taste of garlic can chew raw cloves every once in a while to keep the immune system strong in fighting illnesses.

Kale as Natural Remedy for Low Immunity

Kale Properties: Kale contains Vitamin A essential in fighting cancerous cells as it is an antioxidant. The vegetable is also very effective in enhancing the formation of white blood cells and in increasing antibodies ability to kill invaders.

Using Kale as Treatment for Low Immunity:
The vegetable should be taken on a daily basis as diet for low immunity. Juice can also be extracted from kale and then taken at least twice daily as an effective way of dealing with low immunity.

Shiitake Mushrooms as Natural Remedy for Low Immunity

Shiitake Mushrooms Properties: Shiitake mushrooms contain antiviral agents which work in boosting the immune system and also help in preventing colds and flu. The remedy is one of the best among all natural remedies for the treatment of low immunity.

Using Shiitake Mushrooms as Treatment for Low Immunity:
The mushrooms are best taken when steamed and not overcooked to ensure that the body gets all proper nutrients from them. They can also be added to vegetable salads and other preparations regularly as a preventive measure for low immunity.

Other Home Remedies for Low Immunity

Prepare green tea and consume several times in a day as a way of treating low immunity. The remedy has been proven to be effective in boosting the immune system.

Prepare a decoction using Ginseng and consume till the symptoms of low immunity go away. When using the capsules and tablets of the herb, one should first seek medical advice to avoid complications.

Take a glass of milk and add a little sugar. This should then be taken before retiring to bed as an effective way of treating low immunity. Milk can also be taken on a regular basis as diet for low immunity. It works by improving the functioning of the immune system keeping it as strong as it should be thereby preventing illnesses.

As a way of boosting the immune system, patients should meditate and take up yoga on a regular basis. This is among the best ways of dealing with low immunity without having to take any medications.

Squeeze juice from fresh blueberries and consume at least three times a day as a way of fighting diseases related to the heart as well as a good way of fighting cancer. The juice is also effective in treating problems of the urinary tract and is among the simplest of all natural remedies for fighting low immunity.

Take broccoli in your daily diet to keep the immune system strong and also fight diseases such as ulcers, stomach cancer, skin cancer and heart diseases and increasing immunity.

Take flax seeds and grind to make a powder. The powder should then be put in a bowl and sesame seeds added in equal amount. Add honey and almonds into the mixture and mix well. This should then be taken in the morning while the stomach is still empty. The remedy is great in boosting the immune system and should be taken on a daily basis. The seeds can also be added in your breakfast as part of the diet for low immunity.

One of the best home remedies for low immunity is Astragalus root which builds up the immune system and increases white blood cells production. The root should be chewed or boiled in water and then taken on a daily basis as an effective way of dealing with cases of low immunity.

Take lots of fresh green vegetables and fresh fruits to fight illnesses and strengthen the immune system. Fresh fruit juices and vegetable juices should also be taken on a regular basis to supply the body with important nutrients.

Take a glass of red wine to get rid of toxins and body wastes. The wine is great in killing invaders such as bacteria thereby improving immunity. It should however not be taken excessively as it could be harmful to general health.

Diet and Precautions for Low Immunity

Increase daily intake of foods rich in Vitamin C. Fresh fruits and vegetable should be included in daily diet as well as nuts, whole grains, beans and seeds.

Increase intakes of foods rich in carotene such as squash, carrots, yams, tomatoes and oranges. Cabbages, cauliflower, radish, broccoli and turnip should be taken on a regular basis to keep the body well supplied with nutrients.

Increase your protein intake and ensure that you drink enough water every day. Water plays a big role in promoting proper functioning of body organs and keeps the body well hydrated and safe from infections caused by dehydration. It is also a good way of flushing out wastes and toxins from the body.

Exercise regularly. One can decide to take daily walks, practice aerobics or even go jogging to keep the body active. Deep breathing exercises as well as relaxation exercises are also very helpful in fighting low immunity.

Engage in fun activities as a way of fighting stress which is known to be a major cause of low immunity.

Meditating is a great way of keeping stress and negative thoughts at bay.

Always ensure that your daily diet is balanced and healthy and strive to keep it that way whether the immune system is high or low.

Ensure that you rest and sleep enough to boost the immune system. This is essential in restoring lost energy and also helps in proper body functions. Instead of eating large meals, patients should make a point of eating small regular meals to promote proper digestion.

Avoid foods which are refined and processed as they lower immunity. Foods which are too sugary or too salty should also be avoided at all costs.

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