Home Remedies for Increasing Breast Milk Production

Breastfeeding has been ranked as a major worry for most mothers due to various reasons. Breast milk is regarded as the best food for an infant as it contains all the nutrients required for the child’s growth. Mothers who breastfeed want to ensure that they produce enough milk for their infants because it is healthy and rich in all necessary nutrients. The first few months of an infant’s life are very important as the child’s nutrition during this period sets the trend of his or her health in the future. There are a couple of reasons why breastfeeding is important to the infant as well as the mother.

For the baby, breast milk is best as it contains some protective properties that make the child immune to some diseases and illnesses. The milk is also good because a child who breastfeeds does not develop hard stools which can cause discomfort for the child. Breast milk is good for the infant as it reduces the likelihood of constipation. Not only is breastfeeding good for the child as it contains all necessary components of a good diet for child growth, it also helps to bond the mother and child. There are those who believe that an infant who has a better breastfeeding experience is unlikely to contract some ailments such as asthma and breast cancer at later ages. Breast milk is also recommended due the fact that it increases the child’s memory capacity as well as the child’s IQ. It is therefore very important to consider these benefits as there are some women who discontinue breastfeeding of their children at a very young age.

Breastfeeding is also advantageous to the mother for a numbers of reasons. One of the major reasons why breastfeeding is good for the mother is that it assists in the contraction of the uterus after childbirth, thus lowering the risk of some ailments such as postpartum hemorrhage. The other benefit is that a mother who breastfeeds is able to return to her pre-pregnancy body size much more easily. Breastfeeding lowers the risk of some terminal cancers such as cervical cancer and breast cancer at later stages in the mother’s life. Breast milk is cost effective as its naturally produced compared to other milk for infants. And, as previously stated, breastfeeding helps a lot in bonding the mother and child due to some hormones that are found in the mother’s milk. Many women are looking for ways to increase the production breast milk for their infants.

  1. Home Remedies
  2. Other Remedies
  3. Diet

Home Remedies for Increasing Breast Milk Production

Fenugreek as a Natural Remedy for Increasing Breast Milk Production

Fenugreek Properties: Fenugreek is among the ancient natural remedies for enhancing milk production that is still in use to this day. This herb contains some properties that enhance and simulate the glands that make milk in the breast. Although it is a great remedy for enhancing production of breast milk, it should be avoided by diabetic women due to the fact that it lowers sugar levels in the body. It should also not be taken by asthmatic mothers as it can trigger an asthma attack.

Use of Fenugreek as a Treatment for Increasing Breast Milk Production:
Take the fenugreek seeds, wash them and then crush them into a powder. Mix the powdered fenugreek seed with milk from a cow, a goat or a camel. Drink three glasses of the solution three times a day. Milk production is enhanced within a few minutes after drinking this solution.

Anise Seed as a Natural Remedy for Increasing Breast Milk Production

Anise Seed Properties: Anise seed is another important herb for enhancing milk production in the breast. This herb has some very useful properties that soothe the mammary gland which produces milk in the breast. Anise seed also has some properties that help to clear the pathway of the milk. This herb takes effect within a few minutes of use. It is among the most used and most recommended home remedies for enhancing milk production for breastfeeding mothers.

Use of Anise Seed as a Treatment for Increasing Breast Milk Production:
This treatment is easily prepared. Make a tea using anise seed. Using cow’s milk is an option but it is not necessary since the effect is almost the same. Drink at least few milliliters of the tea five minutes before starting to breastfeed.

Alfalfa as a Natural Remedy for Increasing Breast Milk Production

Alfalfa Properties: Alfalfa has been used to increase breast milk production in women for many years and is still regarded as one of the natural remedies for enhancing breast milk production. The herb has some very important properties that stimulate the gland that produces the milk. It also helps to clear the way for the milk such that there is no obstacle to the free flow of the milk.

Use of Alfalfa as a Cure for Increasing Breast Milk Production:
Alfalfa can be cooked just as normal food but boiling is the best cooking method. It can also be ground up and used to make tea. Cow’s milk can be added to it to increase its effectiveness. It is best to drink the tea three times a day.

Chaste Tree Bark as a Natural Remedy for Increasing Breast Milk Production

Chaste Tree Bark Properties: Chaste tree bark is known for its ability to clear the milk passageways in the breast. Over time it increases the flow of breast milk during breastfeeding. This remedy has also been used by wild animals as they tend to eat the bark of the tree after giving birth. This remedy also stimulates the mammary glands in the breast and enhances continuous production of the milk. The herb also has some very useful properties that assist in sending hormones to the brain which stimulate the production and flow of the milk in the breast.

Use of Chaste Tree Bark as a Cure for Increasing Breast Milk Production:
Find fresh bark of the chaste tree and clean it well. Break the bark into fine particles before making it into a tea. Drink about three glasses of the tea three times a day to assist in a continuous supply of milk throughout the day. Chaste bark tree is a useful natural remedy for increasing breast milk production.

Blessed Thistle as a Natural Remedy for Increasing Breast Milk Production

Blessed Thistle Properties: Blessed thistle has been in use for increasing breast milk production since the 18th century. It has also been recommended for medicinal use as well as for increasing breast milk production. Studies have shown that this herb stimulates the mammary glands that produce milk. It also stimulates the hormones that assist in the flow of milk to the breast.

Use of Blessed Thistle as a Treatment for Increasing Breast Milk Production:
Make a tea from the herb and add cow milk to increase efficiency. The herb should not be used by breastfeeding mothers who are diabetic.

Caffeine as a Home Remedy for Increasing Breast Milk Production

Caffeine Properties: Caffeine offers one of the best natural remedies for milk production to breastfeeding mothers. Sources of caffeine are sodas and coffee. The major component of the breast milk is water and since there is a large quantity of water in either coffee or soda, they assist in milk production in the mammary glands.

Use of Caffeine as a Cure for Increasing Breast Milk Production:
Make a normal tea using coffee. Too much caffeine should be avoided as it interferes with the sleep of the infant and the mother. Drink at least one cup of coffee or soda per day and then drink other fluids such as water to dilute the amount of the caffeine in the mammary glands.

Water as a Home Remedy for Increasing Breast Milk Production

Water Properties: Water is among the simplest and cheapest natural remedies for increasing the milk supply in the breast. Although cheap and simple, many nursing mothers are not aware of this remedy and how useful it is for breastfeeding. Water stimulates the production of milk indirectly, unlike other remedies. The greatest percentage of breast milk is water. Drinking water ensures that body fluids already lost are replaced immediately to assist in making milk.

Use of Water as a Cure for Increasing Breast Milk Production:
There is no formula for using this remedy apart from regularly drinking water. Ensure the water is clean before drinking. It is good to drink water at the same time the child is breastfeeding to make sure that body fluids are replaced immediately. Add juice or sugar to the water to ease thirst.

Milk as a Home Remedy for Increasing Breast Milk Production

Milk Properties: Milk offers one of the best and most effective home remedies for increasing breast milk production which has been in use for a long period of time. Milk is considered best because it contains almost all the properties needed for making breast milk. Not only does it offer the body the replacement fluid that has been used to make milk, its efficacy can be increased by adding a few pinches of sugar or honey. This remedy can be taken during pregnancy and also during the nursing period.

Use of Milk as a Cure for Increasing Breast Milk Production:
Milk from a cow or goat is recommended as it has a higher nutrient content. The correct intake of milk is at least half a liter of pure milk per week during the pregnancy period. This will ensure that the mammary glands will be prepared before the baby is born. During breast feeding, do not drink an excessive amount of milk. Drinking at least half a glass of milk per day is recommended. Milk should be taken when the infant is breastfeeding as this will help stimulating milk flow.

Oatmeal as a Home Remedy for Increasing Breast Milk Production

Oatmeal Properties: Oatmeal has a lot of iron which is a major component used to make milk in a woman’s breast. It is one of the most useful home remedies for increasing milk supply and has been used for ages. Not only used to increase breast milk production, oatmeal is also a good diet for nursing mothers due to its high content of nutrients for both the mother and the infant.

Use of Oatmeal as a Treatment for Increasing Breast Milk Production:
Eat at least one meal of oatmeal in the morning so as to increase the breast milk supply throughout the day. Both the grains and the pod have high quality nutrients that are needed to make breast milk. Oatmeal can also be eaten as a snack throughout the day to ensure a continuous production and flow of milk.

Other Home Remedies for Increasing Breast Milk Production

Frequent breastfeeding is also another helpful home remedy for increasing milk supply for the infant. A breast pump is an option to consider for removal of the excess milk in the breast after the infant is satisfied. The mammary glands will continue producing milk if the glands are empty thus increasing breast milk production.

Massaging the breast with castor oil is another helpful home remedy for increasing breast milk production. Through massage, the mammary glands are triggered to produce milk and free flow of milk is also eased. Carrot juice is also another home remedy since carrots contain many of the nutrients needed for milk production. Carrots can be cooked as part of a diet for increasing breast milk production, but the increase in breast milk production is not as great as when using carrot juice.

Grapes have also been considered very helpful as they have some properties that are needed to make breast milk. The grapes should be taken in raw form, especially those that are not overripe. One can also opt to make a juice by mashing the ripe grapes and adding a few milliliters of water and drinking it at least once a day.

Drumstick has been another natural remedy for increasing breast milk production that has been used for ages as a treatment for women with low breast milk production. This herb is recommended for use by pregnant women due to the slow nature of its effect. When used during pregnancy, it helps the mammary glands to produce all the necessary ingredients as well as opening up the veins for milk supply to the breast.

Diet for Increasing Breast Milk Production

Most mothers have forgotten that the diet they ate during pregnancy should not be the same as the one eaten while breastfeeding. Breastfeeding requires a nutritious diet for increasing breast milk that is rich in iron and fluids. Food rich in vitamins and proteins are very essential to breastfeeding mothers as they have most of the ingredients needed to make a continuous supply of milk.

Junk food rich in calories should not be eaten while breastfeeding due to the fact that they do not support milk production in the body. Most types of fruits are good for breastfeeding mothers as they contain a lot of minerals such as iron which are needed for production of milk.

However there are some fluids that should be avoided while breastfeeding. Too much caffeine may be harmful to both the breastfeeding mother and the baby. It is also wise to avoid alcohol as long as you are breastfeeding as it can cause harm to the infant. Foods that produce gas should be avoided as well as foods containing dyes. Foods such as cabbages, citrus fruits, beans, eggs, chocolates, nuts and corn should not be eaten in excess. It is also wise to consult a nutritionist as to the correct diet one should follow while breastfeeding.

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