Home Remedies for High Blood Cholesterol

Cholesterol is an essential fatty substance which insulates the nerves as they perform various functions of the body. This essential body ingredient which is usually yellowish in color helps in defense mechanism processes, fat transportation and protecting the body's muscular membranes and the blood cells.

Cholesterol moves as protein packages in the blood which are referred to as lipoproteins which come in two types. The first type of the proteins is low density, better known as “bad cholesterol” as it causes artery blockage and the second is high density which is the “good cholesterol” as it helps in eliminating the low density lipoprotein. An increase in the bad cholesterol can lead to heart attacks and other diseases related to the heart as a result of blocked arteries.

High blood cholesterol is caused by conditions such as diabetes, obesity, stress, high fat intake in one's diet and high blood pressure. Drinking or smoking excessively is another major cause of the condition which can be fatal if left untreated. There are several home remedies for high blood cholesterol which have been proven to work well and can thereby reduce the chances of developing heart problems. These are also effective in dealing with some of the diseases known to cause high blood cholesterol.

  1. Home Remedies
  2. Other Remedies
  3. Diet

Home Remedies for High Blood Cholesterol

Sunflower Seeds as a Home Remedy for High Blood Cholesterol

Sunflower Seeds Properties: Sunflower seeds contain linoleic acid which is useful in the reduction of bad cholesterol in the blood therefore reducing cholesterol build-up on the artery walls. This remedy is effective in keeping cholesterol levels in check.

Using Sunflower Seeds as Treatment for High Blood Cholesterol:
Add the seeds to milk and drink this as remedy for blood cholesterol reduction. The seeds can also replace cream or butter in solid fat form to improve the general health of the body. It remains among the best home remedies for blood cholesterol.

Coriander Seeds as a Home Remedy for High Blood Cholesterol

Coriander Seeds Properties: The diuretic properties found in these seeds make it very effective in reducing high blood cholesterol and work by stimulating the kidneys thereby helping in cholesterol reduction in the blood.

Using Coriander Seeds as Treatment for High Blood Cholesterol:

Boil two tablespoons of well dried coriander seeds in one glass of water and then strain after boiling. The decoction should then be taken at least twice daily to reduce blood cholesterol effectively. The seeds can also be taken in milk twice daily for the same effect.

Basil as a Home Remedy for High Blood Cholesterol

Basil Properties: Basil oil contains high levels – in fact, almost fifty per cent of the seed-oil – of linoleic acid, which has been proven to be effective in dealing with high levels of blood cholesterol.

Using Basil oil as a Treatment for high blood cholesterol:
The best dosage for the treatment of high blood cholesterol is one teaspoon of basil oil two times daily. This popular remedy is quite effective and highly recommended for people suffering from high blood cholesterol. This treatment is also effective in treating other diseases known to cause high blood cholesterol.

Goldenseal Root as Home Remedy for High Blood Cholesterol

Goldenseal Properties: Goldenseal root has compounds which boost LDLR production. LDLR is a protein which works on high blood cholesterol by drawing out bad cholesterol (LDL) thereby cleaning the blood. This is an effective way of reducing high blood cholesterol. The root is also widely used in treating digestive system disorders, inflammation, cancer and liver diseases among other conditions.
Using Goldenseal Root as a Treatment for High Blood Cholesterol:
The root can easily be found in drug stores in the form of capsules. The capsules should be taken thrice daily in dosages of 1 gram. Those who can get their hands on the root can boil it in water and then drink the decoction two times daily.

Honey and Onion as Home Remedy for High Blood Cholesterol

Honey onion Properties: Honey and onion juices act as a nervous system tonic and help in cleaning the blood, hence ridding it of the bad cholesterol. The two remedies are also very effective in dealing with insomnia, digestive system disorders as well as in the regulation of heart activities keeping it healthy.

Using Honey and Onion as Natural Remedies for High Blood Cholesterol:

Squeeze the juice from fresh onions and add some honey before taking a teaspoon of this mixture twice daily. If the taste is unpalatable, the mixture can be taken in a glass of water or milk twice daily.

Neem as a Home Remedy for High Blood Cholesterol

Neem Properties: Neem has beneficial compounds in the treatment and reduction of high blood cholesterol which can be life threatening. The herb is also widely used in the treatment of other diseases because of its medicinal value.

Using Neem as Natural Remedies for High Blood Cholesterol:
Grind a few leaves of neem together with basil leaves and add at least four spoonfuls of water. This mixture should then be taken in a glass of water while on an empty stomach. This is a very useful home remedy of reducing bad cholesterol in the blood.

Papaya as a Home Remedy for High Blood Cholesterol

Papaya Properties: Papaya is rich in compounds which work on bad cholesterols by flushing out body wastes and toxins. The remedy is especially good in treating high blood pressure which is closely associated with high blood cholesterol thereby dealing with the root cause effectively.

Using Papaya as a natural remedy for High Blood Cholesterol:
Cut the fresh ripe fruit into pieces. A few pieces should be taken on a daily basis for a month. Always ensure that you are on an empty stomach as you take the fruit for best results. After taking the pieces, one should not take any other food or liquid material till two hours are over. This is a great remedy for reducing high blood cholesterol.

Rice as a Home Remedy for High Blood Cholesterol

Rice Properties: Rice contains low levels of fat, cholesterol and salt making it a very useful diet for dealing with high levels of blood cholesterol. Brown rice for instance is helpful in relaxing and soothing the nervous system as it contains high levels of calcium which is essential.

Using Rice as Natural Remedies for High Blood Cholesterol:
People suffering from high levels of blood cholesterol should take rice as diet for the condition. The remedy is also effective in treating or preventing high blood pressure known to be a major cause of raising the levels of blood cholesterol.

Parsley as a Natural Remedy for High Blood Cholesterol

Parsley Properties: Parsley has important compounds which help in the maintenance of blood vessels and in the process keeps arterial system in top check. The herb is also recommended for high blood pressure because of the medicinal compounds it contains.

Using Parsley as a Cure for High Blood Cholesterol:
Simmer fresh parsley leaves in water and allow sitting for several minutes. The mixture should then be taken several times in a day to help in the proper treatment of blood cholesterol.

Watermelon as a Natural Remedy for High Blood Cholesterol

Watermelon Properties: Watermelon contains a substance which dilates blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure. Since blood pressure is a known common cause of high levels in blood cholesterol, its lowering effectively takes care of blood cholesterol by lowering it to healthy levels.

Using Watermelon as a Cure for High Blood Cholesterol:
Take watermelon seeds and dry them. After they are well dried, they should then be roasted and chewed. They can also be ground up and then added into a glass of water and the mixture can be drunk.

Ginger as a Natural Remedy for High Blood Cholesterol

Ginger Properties: Ginger’s medicinal properties work by thinning the blood, thereby promoting proper circulation which then unblocks arteries which have been blocked by deposits of bad cholesterol.

Using Ginger as Natural Remedies for High Blood Cholesterol:
Ginger is best taken in its raw form. One can boil the root then drink the water or dry it before grinding and adding to water. Ginger can also be found in pill form which is to be taken at least twice daily to effectively take care of high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Other Home Remedies for High Blood Cholesterol

Cut onion into cubes and then mix in a cupful of buttermilk. Add a small portion of black pepper then drink the mixture as treatment for high blood cholesterol. This remedy is very effective in lowering high levels of blood cholesterol.

Take at least ten cinnamon pieces and boil in a liter of water. Add a teaspoonful of honey and then drink the mixture while still hot. The simple home remedy works well in blood cholesterol reduction.

Drink at least eight glasses of water on a daily basis to keep the excretory system well stimulated. By having kidneys functioning well and in top condition, you will be lowering your cholesterol levels in the blood which will in turn keep you healthy.

Take a mud-pack and apply onto the abdomen as a way of improving digestion. The mud-pack also helps in improving liver functions and in activating kidney functions, promoting proper excretion of wastes. The more cleansed and free of toxins the body is, the healthier it will be.

Take steam baths several times a day to keep circulatory disorders at bay. This is also a good way of dealing with hypertension closely linked with bad blood cholesterol. Taking cold hip baths has also proven to be very effective in the treatment of cholesterol. The baths should last for at least ten minutes and be taken on a daily basis as a remedy for lowering blood cholesterol.

To regulate cholesterol levels in your blood, take soy products also referred to as isoflavines. The compounds in the products act as a human hormone enhancing normal body functions.

Take good amounts of walnuts and almonds on a daily basis as a remedy for cholesterol. The two can be roasted and ground before they are taken in water or they can simply be chewed in their natural form.

Take a glass of water and add methi powder then take this on an empty stomach as remedy for blood cholesterol. The remedy should be taken for at least a month for best results.

Take a handful of fenugreek seeds, grind and then add into water before drinking. The seeds can also be roasted and chewed as way of controlling high levels of blood cholesterol.

Mix black pepper and giloye then take at least twice daily. This herbal remedy is effective in lowering high levels of cholesterol.

Take some gooseberry juice and add honey. Mix well then take the mixture first thing in the morning on an empty stomach as a cure for high blood pressure. When blood pressure is well cured, blood cholesterol levels are bound to drop to normal levels considered to be healthy.

Boil several potatoes with their skins before eating them. The skins are known to absorb salt which then helps in the treatment of high blood cholesterol levels. Potatoes are also rich in potassium which is quite beneficial in the lowering of blood cholesterol.

Mix ground cumin and fennel seeds in equal amounts then add into a glass of water. The mixture is best taken twice daily preferably in the mornings and evenings to reduce cholesterol effectively.

Cook and eat fresh fish as a cure for cholesterol. Fish oils are rich in the essential Omega-3 oils which are effective in dealing with high levels of blood cholesterol.

Take honey and add into a hot cup of water before adding a teaspoonful of lime juice. Take the mixture in the morning and on a daily basis as an effective way of dealing with high levels of blood cholesterol.

Take a diet rich in lecithin found in foods like soya beans, wholegrain cereals, vegetables and egg yolk to avoid the building up of cholesterol on arteries and wall.

Fill a small bowl with curd and take on a daily basis as a way of reducing high blood cholesterol. Curd is known to contain compounds perfect in reducing cholesterol levels.

Eat lots of blackberries, raspberries and green beans which contain high fiber levels as one of the best home remedies for high blood cholesterol.

Take apple juice and mix with reasonable amounts of apple cider vinegar before taking. The remedy should be taken once on a daily basis to effectively take care of blood cholesterol levels which are too high.

Add a garlic clove in water and then bring to boil. After cooling, drink and repeat the procedure at least every four days to effectively lower high blood cholesterol. This remedy is also very important in dealing with cardiac pains.

Make salad using green leafy vegetables then add a little olive oil before consumption. This remedy will reduce cholesterol levels in the blood helping the proper body and heart functioning.

Eat a small amount of bran after every meal to improve the heart’s condition. Bran has great compounds which reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Chop an onion and then add in a cup of buttermilk. Add black pepper powder and mix well before taking. The remedy reduces blood cholesterol levels within a short period of time but can also be taken regularly as a preventative measure.

Mix roasted chicory root powder with fenugreek seeds then add lime flowers and ginger rhizome. After mixing well, boil in water then allow cooling before straining and taking at least two cupfuls of the mixture on a daily basis. This is among the best home remedies for high blood cholesterol.

Diet for High Blood Cholesterol and other Precautions

Always take a diet low in fat and do regular exercises to keep blood cholesterol at optimum levels

Avoid meat products and dairy products such as cream, butter, ghee and cheese. Sugary foods such as ice cream, biscuits and cakes should also be limited as well.

Use safflower or sunflower oil for your cooking instead of other forms of cooking oil.

Increase your intakes of fibrous foods and roughage to keep the body well supplied with all essential minerals and nutrients. Water should also be taken in good amounts on a daily basis.

Avoid oily and spicy foods as they only tend to increase blood cholesterol levels. Instead of these, take lots of fruits and vegetables as they contain all the nutrients and minerals the body needs for proper functioning.

Increase you intakes of foods rich in Vitamin E such as soya beans and safflower among other grains and seeds as diet for high blood cholesterol.

Increase your intakes of Vitamin B6 easily found in things like bran.

Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol drinking as they only add to the problem. Leading a stress free life is also encouraged as a way of keeping heart diseases at bay.

Always ensure that you do not remain constipated for too long as this only aggravates the problem and weakens the heart.

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