Home Remedies for Varicose Veins

Blood vessels that are responsible for returning blood to the heart are referred to as veins. They ensure that the blood is flowing in the right direction thereby preventing flow-back. These veins can get swollen if the valves do not function the way they are supposed to, which leads to blood accumulation, giving rise to varicose veins. As the blood does not move properly, the veins become turned and twisted.

Varicose veins can appear on the ankles, feet, and legs and behind the knees. They can either be blue, dark purple or red in color. Some of the symptoms of developing the veins are cramping, fatigue, ulceration and itching meaning that the situation can be troublesome to most people. Women have been found to be more prone to the condition as compared to men.

There are several aspects that lead to the formation of varicose veins which result from malfunctioning valves. The most common are overweight, sitting or standing for too long which increases pressure to the feet and legs, pregnancy and chronic constipation. Miscarriages, irregular menstruation, menopause, chronic coughing and enlarged prostate are some of the other causes of varicose veins.

There are several natural remedies for varicose veins that have been successful in eliminating the symptoms as well as leaving the skin looking beautiful. These home remedies are simple and easy to find as well as use besides proving to be effective which is why most people prefer them compared to other means of treatment.

  1. Home Remedies
  2. Other Remedies
  3. Diet

Home Remedies for Varicose Veins

Apple Cider Vinegar as Home Remedy for Varicose Veins

Apple Cider Vinegar Properties: Apple cider vinegar helps in reducing the itching and swelling of the varicose veins hence offering effective treatment to those suffering from the condition. The remedy also assists in the proper flow of blood, ensuring that there is no accumulation of the blood leading to the condition.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar as Cure for Varicose Veins:
The vinegar is readily available for use and is among the simplest natural remedies for the condition. It should be applied directly onto the veins to help in regaining their normal size within a few days of use. Itching will be eliminated after few applications.

Fuller’s Earth Powder as Home Remedy for Varicose Veins

Fuller’s Earth Powder Properties: The various compounds found in the earth powder are what make it one of the best remedies for varicose veins. It works by reducing the size of the veins and promoting proper blood flow giving the desired results within a short period of use. It is also used as remedy for promoting good skin health.

Using Fuller’s Earth Powder as Cure for Varicose Veins:
The powder should be mixed with water to make a paste and then be applied onto the parts of the body affected by the swelling. This paste should be left to stay on the veins overnight before washing off with warm water. The treatment is best used till the veins have recovered their normal size.

Comfrey as Home Remedy for Varicose Veins

Comfrey Properties: Comfrey has soothing and healing effects which work on varicose veins by reducing the swelling and itching hence treating the condition effectively. The remedy also has nutrients which help in boosting the immune system keeping most of the things that lead to the formation of the veins, such as constipation, at bay.

Using Comfrey as Treatment for Varicose Veins:
The herb should be added to water and boiled to form a thick decoction. This should then be applied to the affected skin areas daily to provide the desired results. The leaves can also be dried and ground into powder before mixing with a small amount of water to make a paste. The paste should then be massaged into the veins.

Witch Hazel as Home Remedy for Varicose Veins

Witch Hazel Properties: Witch hazel has healing properties and also contains essential minerals and nutrients found to be very helpful in dealing with cases of varicose veins. It is one of the best ways of getting the veins back to their normal size and is therefore considered to be among the finest natural remedies for varicose veins.

Using Witch Hazel as Cure for Varicose Veins:
The herb should be dried and then ground into powder so that the powder can be applied to the skin in form of a paste. The paste should be left on the veins for an hour or overnight then washed off. It is best to repeat the procedure till the condition has improved.

Chamomile as Home Remedy for Varicose Veins

Chamomile Properties: Chamomile contains soothing and healing properties which help in dealing with itching and swelling of the veins. It is also a good remedy for promoting proper body functions and easily helps in eliminating the many factors that lead to the condition. This is one of the widely used home remedies for the condition as well as other diseases that affect the body.

Using Chamomile as Cure for Varicose Veins:
The remedy is best used in powder form. The powder can be purchased from local food stores and then mixed with a small amount of water to make a paste which should then be applied to the enlarged veins. Those who have access to the fresh leaves can dry them and grind to powder then use the powder in the same manner to get effective results. It can also be added to meals as diet for promoting good health.

White Oat Bark as Natural Remedy for Varicose Veins

White Oat Bark Properties: White oat bark has healing properties which work by promoting proper flow of blood and also helps in the reduction of the swelling of the veins. People suffering from itchy varicose veins will find this remedy very helpful in getting rid of the itchiness within only a short period.

Using White Oat Bark as Cure for Varicose Veins:
The bark of the white oat should be ground to make a fine powder. The powder should then be mixed in a small amount of water and the paste used on the affected areas of the skin. This should be repeated at least twice daily till there is an improvement on the condition.

Ginger as Home Remedy for Varicose Veins

Ginger Properties: Ginger works on varicose veins by eliminating their swelling and itchy nature. It also helps in the promotion of proper body functions and reducing the occurrence of the varicose veins by taking care of the aspects that lead to the condition. This is among the most used home remedies for the condition among a variety of others.

Using Ginger as Cure for Varicose Veins:
The remedy can be taken in tea form as diet for the condition as well as for the promotion of good health. Ginger tea should be mixed with horse chestnut powder and yarrow then taken thrice a day to get the desired relief from the condition. Ginger powder can also be added to meals to help in the treatment of varicose veins and other conditions.

Cayenne Pepper as Natural Remedy for Varicose Veins

Cayenne Pepper Properties: Cayenne pepper has healing and antibiotic properties and is therefore a very good remedy for the cases of varicose veins which are accompanied by pain and itchiness. It also helps in reducing the swelling of the veins hence is considered to be among the most useful natural remedies for varicose veins.

Using Cayenne Pepper as Treatment for Varicose Veins:
The pepper should be ground into powder and then added to warm water. This should be taken at least three times daily till the condition improves. The powder can also be massaged onto the skin in paste form to help in quick pain relief.

Marigold as Natural Remedy for Varicose Veins

Marigold Properties: Marigold has essential minerals and compounds which work very well in eliminating varicose veins. It takes care of the main symptoms of the condition and also promotes proper blood flow when massaged onto the skin.

Using Marigold as Treatment for Varicose Veins:
People suffering from the condition should take marigold petals and add to boiling water. This should then be left to cool before straining and drinking as proper treatment for varicose veins. The petals can also be pounded to make a pulp which can be applied onto the areas that are affected by the condition.

Calendula Flowers as Natural Remedy for Varicose Veins

Calendula Flowers Properties: Calendula flowers are famed in treating various conditions as they contain essential minerals that work well on the conditions among them varicose veins. The flowers help in soothing the pain as well as in reducing the itchiness that is associated with the swollen veins, offering patients an effective treatment for the condition.

Using Calendula Flowers as Treatment for Varicose Veins:
Chopped flowers should be added to melted lard and left for a day. The mixture can also include the stems of the herb as they also have the required minerals for treating the condition. After a day, it should be heated and applied to the affected parts of the skin till there is an improvement in the condition.

Carrot Juice as Natural Remedy for Varicose Veins

Carrot Juice Properties: Carrot juice contains the essential nutrients and vitamins required to promote good body functions and health thereby getting rid of conditions such as varicose veins. This is a good remedy for the prevention of the development of varicose veins. It is among the simplest home remedies for the condition.

Using Carrot Juice as Treatment for Varicose Veins:
uice should be extracted from carrots through blending and then mixed with spinach juice to improve the taste and effectiveness. It should be taken as diet for the condition at least two times daily till the veins have retained their normal size. It can also be taken on a regular basis to help keep the occurrence of the veins at bay.

Rosemary Oil as Natural Remedy for Varicose Veins

Rosemary Oil Properties: The healing properties of rosemary oil are what make it among the most popular natural remedies for varicose veins. It helps reduce the swelling and itchiness besides promoting proper flow of blood.

Using Rosemary Oil as Treatment for Varicose Veins:
The oil should be applied directly onto the areas affected by the veins. It should be massaged and left to stay for several hours before washing off. The application should be done at least three times every day till the veins have improved or cleared leaving the skin looking and feeling beautiful.

Other Home Remedies for Varicose Veins

Wrap several ice cubes in a piece of cloth and place onto the veins as a way of soothing the varicose veins. This is also a good remedy for bringing the veins back to their normal size. A towel can also be dipped in cold water and placed onto them as a simple way of dealing with varicose veins.

Add Epsom salt in bath water and use it to clean the affected areas. This remedy helps in relieving twisted and thick veins besides getting rid of symptoms such as itching associated with the condition.

Apply mudpacks onto the areas that have varicose veins and leave overnight. This is among the simplest and most effective home remedies for varicose veins.

Mix almond oil and cypress oil then massage this onto the areas that have the veins. This should be done at least two times daily to get rid of the condition within a short period of time. Rosemary oil can also be added to the mixture to improve the effectiveness.

Take a few drops of castor oil and heat before applying to the varicose veins. This remedy helps in reducing the swelling and in speeding up the clearing of the veins. It is also a helpful way of promoting proper blood circulation thus keeping the condition at bay.

Take some time to sunbathe as this helps in reducing the swelling of the veins by promoting proper blood flow.

Diet for Varicose Veins and other Precautions

Ensure that you eat a balanced and health diet. Daily diet should have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to keep the body organs functioning well therefore preventing the many aspects that lead to the condition.

Increase your intakes of foods that are rich in Vitamin C as well as foods that are high in fiber. A Vitamin C supplement can be taken as diet for the condition.

Avoid taking starchy foods, alcohol and caffeinated products as they expose the body to the condition. White flour food products should also be avoided as well as those with white sugar.

Engage in regular exercising which can include swimming, cycling as well as breathing exercises.

It is important to avoid wearing clothing that is too tight as it is likely to hider proper flow of blood giving rise to the varicose veins.

Drink lots of water to keep the colon healthy as this prevents constipation by flushing out wastes and toxins with ease.

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