Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

Tiny organisms cause infections to the nail toes leading to toenail fungus. The warm moisture found mostly on the fingernails offers a perfect breeding ground for fungi thereby leading to their growth and attack on the nails. The nails become very brittle, hard and discolor as a result of the fungi attack and although this condition is normally painless during the first stages, it can turn out to be very painful later especially if left untreated.

There are several factors that lead to the toenail disease and they include incorrect shoe sizes. This means that it is very easy to expose the toes to the infection when one wears shoes that are too tight and uncomfortable to the feet. Other causes are dampness, reduced immunity, nail trauma, skin PH level abnormalities, poor hygiene and fungus susceptibility. Leaving moisture on the feet especially after exercising or bathing is also a common cause for the condition.

Toenail fungus is made evident when the nails discolor. Mostly they turn brown or yellow. Other symptoms that show the existence of the infection are falling nails, toenail thickening, smelly debris accumulation beneath the nails, brittle nails, dull nails and ragged nails. Other symptoms are spots on the nail sides, dark colors on the affected nails and a foul smell from the nails.

There are natural remedies for treating this nail problem. Even though it is normally painless, it can leave the nails looking ugly and unattractive before becoming very painful making it hard to wear shoes or even touch the nails. For this reason, the natural remedies for the condition have proven to be very convenient for those suffering from the fungus. The remedies are safe and effective in treating the condition and are used widely.

  1. Home Remedies
  2. Other Remedies
  3. Diet

Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

Tea Tree Oil as a Home Remedy for Toenail Fungus

Tea Tree Oil Properties: Tea tree oil has antifungal properties and antibacterial agents, which work hand in hand in eliminating the fungi causing the nail disease. The remedy helps in killing the microorganisms and speeds up the healing process besides restoring the natural color of the toenails. This is among the most popular home remedies for the condition.

Using Tea Tree Oil as a Treatment for Toenail Fungus:
Tea tree oil is available in most herbal stores. After getting the oil, patients should add it to water and then dip the affected toenails in the mixture for at least 20 minutes two times daily. The oil can also be directly applied onto the toenails affected by the fungus.

Vinegar as a Natural Remedy for Toenail Fungus

Vinegar Properties: Vinegar has minerals, which assist in treating toenails that are affected by the fungus. It works by killing the organisms and getting rid of the debris hence getting rid of the infection within a few days of using the remedy. This is also a good way of nourishing the nails giving them back the natural shine and beauty.

Using Vinegar as a Cure for Toenail Fungus:
Apple cider vinegar should be added in a good amount of water and the feet soaked in the solution for half an hour to get the desired results from the fungal infection. This can be done two times daily and the feet dried well after the desired results are finally achieved.

Turmeric as a Home Remedy for Toenail Fungus

Turmeric Properties: Turmeric has healing and antifungal properties, which are very helpful in treating this infection. The remedy is also widely used as a treatment for other common conditions that the body is exposed to making it among the most useful natural remedies for most diseases including the toenail fungus.

Using Turmeric as a Treatment for Toenail Fungus:
The herb should be ground into a powder and the powder then mixed with a small amount of water to make a paste. This paste should then be applied to the toenails affected by the infection and left on for at least half an hour. It can also be secured onto the nails and left overnight to give the desired results within a short period of time. Turmeric powder can also be added in meals as a diet for preventing most infections and illnesses.

Onion as a Natural Remedy for Toenail Fungus

Onion Properties: Onion has antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and is therefore very helpful in getting rid of the fungal infection attacking the toenails. This remedy is especially good for people who are already experiencing the pain as it helps in eliminating inflammations speeding up the healing process of the toes.

Using Onion as a Cure for Toenail Fungus:
Chop raw onions into pieces and then rub the pieces onto the affected toenails ensuring that you apply the juice even under the nails. This should then be left for several minutes before washing off and drying the feet properly to heal the infection. Raw onion paste can also be made by crushing the pieces and applying them to the toes or added in meals or salads as a diet for the condition. This is one of the simplest home remedies for toenail fungus.

Oregano Oil as a Home Remedy for Toenail Fungus

Oregano Oil Properties: Oregano oil has minerals and compounds, which work by destroying the fungus that cause the infection assisting in the growth of a healthy nail again. This remedy can however take a longer time to heal the condition effectively and it is therefore advisable to use it for an extended period of time, say for several months to get rid of the infections completely.

Using Oregano Oil as a Treatment for Toenail Fungus:
The oil is easily available in most local stores and all one has to do is get it and apply it directly to the affected toenails. Patients can also add a few drops of the oil in water and then dip the feet for 30 minutes as a treatment for the fungal infection.

Lavender Oil as a Natural Remedy for Toenail Fungus

Lavender Oil Properties: Lavender oil is popular when it comes to the treatment of toenail fungus as it has antibiotic and antiseptic properties. The properties help in eliminating the fungi thereby promoting healing. Those suffering from painful toenails will also find this remedy very good as it relieves the pain fast.

Using Lavender Oil as a Cure for Toenail Fungus:
The oil should be added in water and the affected toes then dipped in to offer the right kind of treatment. Lavender leaves can also be boiled in water and the water then used to clean the affected toes every day until the desired results from the condition are achieved. It can also be added in meals as a diet for the condition among other infections.

Olive Oil as a Home Remedy for Toenail Fungus

Olive Oil Properties: Olive Oil contains antifungal agents that help in the destruction of the fungi, which cause the nail infections. The remedy also has healing properties, which work by speeding up the healing process besides soothing the toenail pain that could be present. The remedy is widely used in the medical world as it has proven to be very beneficial.

Using Olive Oil as a Treatment for Toenail Fungus:
The oil should be applied directly to the affected toenail three times a day to provide the kind of relief patients are looking for. It can also be mixed with warm water together with oregano oil and the feet dipped into the solution for about half an hour to heal the infection.

Limejuice as a Natural Remedy for Toenail Fungus

Limejuice Properties: Limejuice has healing properties that help in the treatment of the toe infection. The acidic nature of the juice makes it hard for fungus to thrive in the nails getting rid of them in the process thereby offering effective treatment to the nails.

Using Limejuice as a Cure for Toenail Fungus:
The juice of lime should be rubbed onto the toenails using a cotton ball. It should be applied thoroughly even under the nails to help fight the microorganisms and it can be applied two times daily. This should be done until the toes have regained back their health and there are no more symptoms of the infection.

Garlic as a Home Remedy for Toenail Fungus

Garlic Properties: Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties making it among the most effective and beneficial natural remedies for toenail fungus. Apart from getting rid of the harmful microorganisms, it speeds up the healing process of the toes by reducing inflammation.

Using Garlic as a Treatment for Toenail Fungus:
Crush several cloves of garlic and rub the paste onto the toenails affected by the fungus. This should be left on the toes for several minutes before washing it off. The paste can also be added in water and the toes dipped to offer treatment. It is advisable to include garlic cloves that are raw in meals as a diet for the condition among other infections the body faces.

Ginger as a Natural Remedy for Toenail Fungus

Ginger Properties: Ginger has antifungal properties, which help in treating toenail infections. It is also a good remedy for getting rid of the pain associated with the infection and is therefore very popular. The remedy speeds up the healing process offering fast relief from the infection.

Using Ginger as a Cure for Toenail Fungus:
The root of ginger should be pounded to make a paste which should then be applied to the toes giving attention to the areas under the nails where the fungi mostly hide. This should be left for 20 minutes and then washed off using clean water. This can be done on a daily basis until the desired results from the condition are achieved.

Lemon as a Home Remedy for Toenail Fungus

Lemon Properties: Lemon has healing properties and the acidic nature of the fruit helps in getting rid of the microorganisms causing the infection. This is among the finest home remedies for a variety of conditions to which the body is exposed.

Using Lemon as a Treatment for Toenail Fungus:
Cut lemon into half and rub the juice onto the toenails affected by the fungal infection. The juice should be left on the toes for half an hour before washing it off using warm water. This is best done twice daily until the infection is completely cured.

Cinnamon as a Natural Remedy for Toenail Fungus

Cinnamon Properties: Cinnamon contains anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, which help in the fast treatment of toenail fungus. Besides getting rid of the fungus, the remedy reduces inflammation thereby giving fast relief from any pain that could be present as a result of the infection.

Using Cinnamon as a Cure for Toenail Fungus:
Cinnamon powder should be mixed with a small amount of water to make a paste. The paste should then be applied to the nails and left for several minutes. This should be done daily until most of the symptoms have cleared and the pain is no more. Patients can also add the powder in food or tea as a diet for fungal and bacterial infections.

Other Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

Add hydrogen peroxide in water and mix well before dipping the feet in for 20 minutes. The solution helps in getting rid of the fungus thereby inhibiting their growth. This is also a great remedy for relieving most symptoms associated with the infection. The two should be measured in equal amounts and the process done twice daily.

Listerine mouthwash has proven to be very helpful when dealing with cases of toenail fungus as it contains a variety of minerals and compounds, which easily kill the fungus and speeds up the healing process of the infection offering treatment to patients. It is among the simplest home remedies for the infection.

Take alcohol and rub it onto the toenails affected by the condition. This should be left to stay on the toes for several minutes and then washed off and the feet dried well using a clean towel. It can be repeated twice daily until the infection is completely gone. Alcohol can also be mixed in water and the feet dipped in to offer the right kind of treatment.

Diet and Precautions for Toenail Fungus

To keep toenail infections at bay, there is a great importance of maintaining a proper balanced and healthy diet. The diet should contain fresh fruits and vegetables.

Consume foods that are known to have antifungal properties such as yoghurt and most carbohydrates.

Increase your intakes of foods that are rich in fiber and protein as a way of keeping the toes healthy thus keeping infections at bay.

Avoid foods that are too refined or processed as they lack the essential minerals and nutrients that the body needs to keep healthy.

Observe good toenail hygiene by ensuring that they are well cleaned and dried especially after taking baths and exercising.

Avoid sharing washcloths and towels, as it is possible to pick up the fungus through such personal items.

Ensure that you wear well fitting shoes. It is also essential to ensure that the feet are well dried before wearing the shoes. The shoes and socks should be cleaned regularly and should be left until well dried to prevent fungus growth.

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