Home Remedies for Snoring

Snoring is the vibration of the soft palate found in the back of the roof of the mouth. In normal circumstances, the upper airway opening at the throat relaxes when one sleeps. With each breath one takes, the uvula and mouth roof palate vibrate, causing the snoring sound. Turbulence in the airway or the airway being too close to the soft palate mostly leads to this condition.

Most people have had to put up with snoring members of the family, with some snoring being too much to bear. This can cause you to be deprived of sleep, so it is necessary to get proper treatment for the condition. The main symptoms of snoring are irregular sound patterns when sleeping, normally high or low pitched, and heavy breathing. The combination of the two causes nasal noise which can be very disturbing, especially to people who have to listen to snoring partners.

Some of the main factors that lead to snoring are reduced tongue muscle tone, certain sleeping positions, blocked airways hindering the flow of air to the lungs, enlarged adenoids or tonsils swollen from infections or allergies. The age of the patient and the patient’s genetic makeup are also some other factors that cause snoring. Others include medication, alcohol, and physical exhaustion as well as medical conditions associated with weight.

There are several options that one can consider to get rid of snoring, some of which are very simple to achieve. There are also home remedies for the condition which work by treating the underlying problems which lead to snoring. The natural remedies for snoring are preferred by most people since they are simple to find, easy to use and have proven to be very effective.

  1. Home Remedies
  2. Other Remedies
  3. Diet

Home Remedies for Snoring

Olive Oil as a Home Remedy for Snoring

Olive Oil Properties: Olive oil eliminates snoring as it contains properties which help in opening up the airways that could be blocked, which causes the snoring. This is one of the most popular natural remedies for snoring and is widely used to get rid of this condition.

Use of Olive Oil as a Treatment for Snoring:
The oil should be sipped before going to bed to helps promote proper breathing, thereby keeping snoring at bay. The remedy should be taken over a long period of time, although it is advisable for individuals to take breaks during the treatment period to see whether there is an improvement in the condition.

Sage as a Natural Remedy for Snoring

Sage Properties: Sage reduces snoring by promoting proper respiratory and oral health. This is among the simplest but most effective home remedies for the condition. The aroma of the herb is also beneficial when it comes to congestion, which leads to snoring.

Use of Sage as a Cure for Snoring:
Steep the leaves of sage in hot water and leave for a few minutes before straining and gargling just before retiring. The treatment should be used over an extended period of time to get positive results.

Eucalyptus as a Home Remedy for Snoring

Eucalyptus Properties: Eucalyptus has essential minerals which help in promoting proper breathing during sleep, thereby eliminating snoring. It is also a natural antiseptic that takes care of most infections of the system. This remedy is among the best natural remedies for this condition as well as other conditions that affect the respiratory system and hinder proper breathing.

Use of Eucalyptus as a Treatment for Snoring:
Take fresh leaves of eucalyptus and add to boiling water. This should then be taken while still hot to help in opening up the airways, eliminating snoring situations. This is a good remedy for preventing snoring and should be continued until the desired improvement is achieved.

Epsom Salt as a Natural Remedy for Snoring

Epsom Salt Properties: Epsom salt has been in use for a long time as a natural remedy as it have proven to be medically beneficial when it comes to various conditions faced by the body. This remedy helps in treating adenoids and tonsils that could be infected or swollen, thus causing snoring, by reducing the swelling, allowing air to pass into and out of the lungs with ease.

Use of Epsom Salt as a Cure for Snoring:
Add a good amount of the salt to warm water and then gargle before retiring. This can also be done several times during the day as a good treatment for the adenoids and tonsils which eventually regain their good health and eliminate snoring that occurs as a result of the swelling.

Marjoram Oil as a Home Remedy for Snoring

Marjoram Oil Properties: The aroma of this remedy is what makes it one of the most useful home remedies for snoring as it generally improves the health of the respiratory system to assist in proper breathing. The remedy has been used successfully in the past and has proven to be very effective.

Use of Marjoram Oil as a Treatment for Snoring:
Add the remedy to boiling water and inhale the vapor as a way of promoting good breathing. This can be done twice daily to also improve any conditions that are present in the respiratory system which could be causing snoring.

Cinnamon as a Natural Remedy for Snoring

Cinnamon Properties: Cinnamon has healing as well as soothing properties which assist in taking care of any ailment that could be present in the respiratory system which could hinder proper breathing, thus eliminating snoring.

Use of Cinnamon as a Cure for Snoring:
Grind cinnamon into powder and then add to warm water. This should then be used to gargle on a daily basis when faced with ailments likely to lead to breathing disorders such as snoring.

Ginger as a Home Remedy for Snoring

Ginger Properties: This is one of the finest home remedies for snoring. It is widely used to treat conditions affecting the respiratory system, ensuring that all functions tale place efficiently. When there is proper breathing during sleep, snoring is reduced, if not eliminated, and this remedy helps to achieve just that.

Use of Ginger as a Treatment for Snoring:
Ginger should be dried and ground into a fine powder. The powder can then be added to a glass of milk and taken as a way of curing snoring. The remedy can also be sliced and added to meals while raw as part of a diet for maintaining good health in the respiratory organs.

Garlic as a Natural Remedy for Snoring

Garlic Properties: Garlic has a variety of properties, among them anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic, all of which are essential in promoting good health of the respiratory system. It works by getting rid of swelling, inflammation and pain that could be causing the snoring. It is among the most important natural remedies for those suffering from snoring, among other conditions.

Use of Garlic as a Cure for Snoring:
The best way to use this remedy is to chew the raw cloves several times a day. This can also be done on a regular basis or added to meals as part of a diet for eliminating snoring as it helps to prevent snoring triggered by ailments and infections.

Onions as a Home Remedy for Snoring

Onions Properties: Onions contain amazing healing properties which work by ensuring that the respiratory system is kept in tiptop shape. This promotes proper breathing, keeping snoring issues at bay. It is among the simplest home remedies for snoring. It is easy to find and can actually be eaten as part of a diet for preventing the condition.

Use of Onions as a Treatment for Snoring:
Grind the onions to make a paste and add to a glass of warm water before gargling. This can also be added to meals as part of a diet for the various conditions that affect the respiratory system.

Cardamom as a Natural Remedy for Snoring

Cardamom Properties: Cardamom has been found to contain essential minerals which aid proper breathing and keeps the lungs well protected from infection. This remedy also boosts the immune system, keeping conditions that lead to snoring at bay.

Use of Cardamom as a Cure for Snoring:
The powder of cardamom is very beneficial when it comes to snoring as it gets rid of any congestion that could be present in the respiratory system. This powder should be added to hot water and taken as treatment for snoring. It can also be added to tea to take care of the respiratory system.

Turmeric as a Home Remedy for Snoring

Turmeric Properties: Besides its healing properties, turmeric is a natural laxative that helps in muscle relaxation, getting rid of snoring that is a result of physical exhaustion. This is one of the most beneficial natural remedies for snoring and is also used as treatment for other conditions attacking the respiratory system.

Use of Turmeric as a Treatment for Snoring:
Promote proper health and breathing by adding the powder to a glass of milk or water and taking before retiring. The remedy can also be added to food as part of a diet for treatment of various respiratory conditions.

Peppermint as a Natural Remedy for Snoring

Peppermint Properties: Peppermint reduces any swelling in the breathing system, promoting proper breathing. Every organ is also kept in tiptop shape, keeping cases of snoring at bay. This remedy has proven to be very effective in dealing with most conditions and is actually used to treat a variety of diseases and infections.

Use of Peppermint as a Cure for Snoring:
his should be added to boiling water and the fumes inhaled to aid in proper breathing. The water can also be strained and taken as treatment for infections of the respiratory system that may hinder proper breathing during sleep.

Other Home Remedies for Snoring

Losing weight is one of the most effective natural remedies for snoring as this keeps the body free from diseases and conditions that contribute to snoring. Excessive fatty tissue hinders proper breathing by blocking the airways.

Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol intake, especially just before retiring, as they have been found to be the main contributors to snoring. These two factors increase the production of mucus in the throat, which then easily blocks the airways and causes individuals to snore.

Alcohol should be avoided as it also relaxes the soft palate of the throat muscles, thereby leading to cases of snoring.

Always ensure that your sleeping posture is correct in the sense that it allows easy breathing. This is the simplest of all remedies for snoring as it ensures that oxygen reaches the lungs without any hindrances, keeping snoring at bay. It is best to sleep on your side compared to other positions.

Prepare and follow a regular routine of sleeping to help the body get used to the routine, eliminating the chances of snoring just because you exhausted yourself doing an activity the body is not used to.

Before retiring, ensure that you do not eat spicy or oily foods as they worsen the snoring situation. Heavy meals or overfeeding should be avoided when going to bed as this is the main cause of snoring. Eating like this could also lead to weight gain, which contributes highly to this condition.

Use nasal decongestants as a way of keeping the air passages clear, thereby promoting proper breathing. They can be used just before sleeping to ensure that you get proper sleep.

Engage in physical exercise to keep in good health and to maintain a good weight. The exercise does not necessarily have to be very vigorous since simple, easy ones can work just as well in keeping most conditions that lead to snoring at bay.

Diet for Prevention of Snoring

It is necessary to eat well balanced, healthy meals to promote good health. This will keep most diseases at bay. Most people take diet for granted and wind up suffering from various conditions which could have been avoided with a proper, well balanced diet.

Eat lots of fresh fruits and fresh green vegetable to keep the body well supplied with essential minerals and nutrients. Fresh fruits juices should also be taken in the place of alcohol and other harmful beverages.

Ensure that you drink enough water every single day to keep the body free from toxins and wastes and also to keep it well hydrated. This is also a good way of promoting proper breathing.

Eat small regular meals compared to eating large meals which take longer to get digested and might lead to overeating. Heavy meals should be avoided when going to bed as they lead to snoring.

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